Conflict between Theories

There are two main factors which influence the achievement motivation of the students to gain successful learning. Those factors raise theories of psychology in education. The first factor is extrinsic factor which means the factors that come from outside the learner. This factor raises a theory in psychology and education which is called Behaviorism. The second factor is intrinsic factor which means the factors that come from inside the learner. At the opposite, this factor rises a theory in psychology and education which known as Cognitivism. In the middle of the conflict between those two theories, a new theory comes. The theory is called Constructivism which takes the good points between the two previous theories. According to Hill (2002), there are two values of the theories. The first is providing us with vocabulary and conceptual framework for interpreting the example of learning that we observe. The second is suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. But the questions are: How do the factors raise the theory? How do the theories influence the learner especially in their achievement motivation? And how does a conflict raises a new theory in psychology and education?

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midwifery said...

ur writing is good, it give me clear information

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